105E Anglia .V8 Project finished & gone.
Anglia 105E . project finished & gone. 2020
Triumph herald convertible tidy up 2013 finished and gone.
First auto project ..1947 Jowet Bradford van.
Ford 100E van with pinto engine
Buick Riviera 1963 referb
AJS/Aerial Chopper
1971 Rolls Referb
1967 Porsche 911
8 wheeled camper van
Cadillac herse
Anglia van
Lotus Anglia 105E
MK1 Cortina rebuild
Lotus 7 kit
105e Anglia red, 995
Glastron GT160 1972 Boat rebuild.
Bayliner cobra 21foot 260 Hp / Red 16' speedboat
Yamaha LS2000 Jet Boat 170Hp
My Motorcycles past and present ,
Some old cars i owned,
My Boats present and past
Swimming pool project
1st shit tanks and filter beds in france
2nd crap tanks job and bigger filter bed
renovate old shack + roofing job and lime rendering france
Triple Garage build 2016
1968 anglia 105e, nice up top but rotten underneath , so only one thing in my mind left to do .. sell all the bits i don't want, and chop out the rotten floor pan, and stuff a 4 liTRE v8 in front of the steering wheel..